The Comic Artist and Assistants (Mangaka-san to Ashisutanto-san to)

The Comic Artist and His Assistants is another series of short episodes. There are 12 episodes but each one runs about 10 minutes or so not counting the opening and ending credits. The series is based around a perverted, otaku, manga author named Yuki who seems to want to fall in love with everyone close… Continue reading The Comic Artist and Assistants (Mangaka-san to Ashisutanto-san to)


Feels like forever ago when I thought this thing would be done. Astra Etherium: Adventures of a Space Bounty Hunter in Space is moving into the final stages (I thought it was there before but some issues came up.) The game really was supposed to be much simpler but then we added speech, had to… Continue reading Scrambling…

Comical Psychosomatic Medicine (Manga de Wakaru Shinryōnaika)

I wanted to check out some of the newer anime that is getting greenlit by the production committees and I came across this one. Comical Psychosomatic Medicine. This show is not a groundbreaking show by any means. It’s a short, gag comedy show about real issues that people have. Doctor Ryo Shinnai and his nurse… Continue reading Comical Psychosomatic Medicine (Manga de Wakaru Shinryōnaika)

Military! (Miritari!)

Military! is a 12 episode anime based around a trigger happy little girl who appears to be under 10 years old. Yet she happens to be a member of the Krakozhia Dukedom Special Forces and is a 1st Lieutenant on top of that. Her and her 2nd Lieutenant are tasked with the job of protecting… Continue reading Military! (Miritari!)


Here you will find my ramblings about gaming and game development, whether it be gaming, my own game development or the industry as a whole since it’s falling apart and there is plenty to discuss.

Categorized as Gaming


If I get bored and feel like spouting off about random stuff, you’ll find it here.

Categorized as Randomness