
Have you ever had something that you’d consider a guilty pleasure? Tiramisu? Apple pie? Good cup of coffee? Or whatever it may be. Well in Ben-To, it’s half priced bento boxes. Yes you read that right, half priced bento boxes. The story begins with Yo Sato finding himself beat to hell and laying on the… Continue reading Ben-To

Kage Kara Mamoru!

I always go back to check out some anime that I haven’t seen before and this was no different. The premise sounded like something I might want to check out so I added it to my queue on Anime Planet or Kissanime or one of those sites. That’s not important anyway, on with the review/preview.… Continue reading Kage Kara Mamoru!

Working! and Working!! (Wagnaria! and Wagnaria!!)

I’m actually not sure how I came across this show. It was probably one of the ones I clicked on when I was going through Crunchyroll. I clicked a bunch of them when I first had Crunchyroll on my OUYA instead of watching on my laptop. Working! starts off with little Popura (REALLY little) searching… Continue reading Working! and Working!! (Wagnaria! and Wagnaria!!)

Plastic Memories (Purasutikku Memorīzu)

When I saw Plastic Memories, I wasn’t sure if I’d be watching it but I read the synopsis and it sounded interesting. Though I didn’t think it was going to be a love story in the end. Plastic Memories is about a team of recovery agents who retrieve Giftias. Giftias are humanoid robots who become… Continue reading Plastic Memories (Purasutikku Memorīzu)

The Comic Artist and Assistants: The Animation OVA Specials

The Comic Artist and Assistants: The Animation show is a show that has 10 episodes but they were only 10 minutes long. With the DVD release came 6 more episodes. There really isn’t much to say about the specials. They add more of your typical OVA type stuff, ecchi, etc. The production value is still… Continue reading The Comic Artist and Assistants: The Animation OVA Specials


Hiyokoi is about a girl named Hiyori who was in a car accident and due to this accident she wasn’t able to attend school. The two traits that are clearly apparent is her height, she’s short and her shyness. Compared to the other students, she looks like she’s around 5 feet, maybe a bit shorter.… Continue reading Hiyokoi